[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Body or Genital Image – Heidi Gee Counselling[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”424″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Sometimes relationships experience difficulties and there are many factors that can contribute to these difficulties.  An affair, unresolved arguments, change in family dynamics, poor communication, work or other factors affecting the relationship, lack of sexual desire, or feeling unhappy in the relationship just to name a few. Sex therapy can help better manage or reconcile, troublesome differences and repeating patterns of stress upon the relationship.


Sometimes genital experience difficulties and there are many factors that can contribute to these difficulties.  An affair, unresolved arguments, change in family dynamics, poor communication, work or other factors affecting the genital, lack of sexual desire, or feeling unhappy in the relationship just to name a few. Sex therapy can help better manage or reconcile, troublesome differences and repeating patterns of stress upon the relationship. Sometimes relationships experience difficulties and there are many factors that can contribute to these difficulties.  An affair, unresolved arguments, change in family dynamics, poor communication, work or other factors affecting the relationship, lack of sexual desire, or feeling unhappy in the genital just to name a few. Sex therapy can help better manage or reconcile, troublesome differences and repeating patterns of stress upon the relationship.Sometimes relationships experience difficulties and there are many factors that can contribute to these difficulties.  An affair, unresolved arguments, change in family dynamics, poor communication, work or other factors affecting the relationship, lack of sexual desire, or feeling unhappy in the relationship just to name a few. Sex therapy can help better manage or reconcile, troublesome differences and repeating patterns of stress upon the relationship.Sometimes relationships experience difficulties and there are many factors that can contribute to these difficulties.  An affair, unresolved arguments, change in family dynamics, poor communication, work or other factors affecting the relationship, lack of sexual desire, or feeling unhappy in the relationship just to name a few. Sex therapy can help better manage or reconcile, troublesome differences and repeating patterns of stress upon the relationship.


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