Eating Pu$$y | Episode 13

In this episode , Heidi is joined by Alexandra Skoeld , a Sex Coach ( , to talk about oral sex for vulva owners. Heidi and Alexandra discuss some great tips when it comes to oral sex to help with pleasure.  

Dating a Narcissist | Episode 11

Have you ever dated a narcissist or think you might be in a relationship with a narcissist? In this podcast Heidi talks to Jackie Nugara, Life and Business Coach, Counsellor & Psychotherapist, on things you need to know if you are dating a narcissist and the different types of narcissist.

Transforming Your Relationships | Episode 09

Heidi talks to Terri Crosby who is a Relationship Coach, Writer and Speaker who works with individual and couples to love themselves and get along. Terri shares her story about being married 4 times and how she believes it takes one person to transform a relationship.

Male Orgasm | Episode 05

Orgasms are the peak of sexual excitement. It is a powerful feeling of pleasure and erotic sensation. Orgasms increase the levels of oxytocin which is the bonding hormone, combats stress and gives you that sex glow. Joining Heidi on this podcast episode is Cam Fraser a Certified Professional Sex Coach, Sexologist, Registered Counsellor and Registered …

Male Orgasm | Episode 05 Read More »

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